Citizens Bank & Trust
Citizens Bank & Trust
100 NE State Hwy 92
Smithville, MO 64089
About Us
The CB&T Story
The day starts early on a farm in north Missouri. The clock says 5:30 but it's really just 5:20 in the morning; it’s set fast on purpose giving the day a little more urgency. Time to start the coffee and flip on the radio for the weather and markets and…so starts another day. Open up the laptop and sign on to to pay a couple of bills before heading out to feed the cattle.
The day starts the same in the city except about 30 minutes later when the radio flips on to trigger the new day. Listen to the weather forecast and then head outside to search for the morning paper, which is never in the same spot. Check the bushes on the left and then the right side of the porch and got it. Back inside for a quick breakfast and then open the laptop and sign on to to see if the direct deposit has hit the checking account. There it is … life is good.
Who could have imagined such things would be possible when Citizens Bank & Trust was founded in 1889. From horse and buggy to home computer banking and all at the same bank: through the great depression, world wars, good times and bad, Citizens Bank & Trust has been a part of the daily lives of the people of north Missouri. Interestingly, our present day chairman Bill Young is the great, great grandson of one of the founders. A family lineage that goes back 120 years and counting!
From humble beginnings Citizens Bank & Trust is now the sixth largest state chartered bank in Missouri. We offer a full palette of financial services from checking, savings, and loans to full trust services, employee benefits and electronic banking. Independent businesses find a comfortable banking experience at our bank, which is also privately held. We are proud of our heritage and of our commitment to the communities we serve. Thousands of satisfied customers, dedicated professional employees, and 120 years of client service...we’re Citizens Bank & Trust.
Equal Housing Lender
© 2006 Citizens Bank and Trust Company. All Rights Reserved.
