KC Mortgage Planning
Allied Home Mortgage Capital Corp.
12 Westwoods Drive
Liberty, MO 64068
Phone: 816-415-1737
Fax: 816-415-4729
e-mail: Kurt@kcmortgageplanning.com
Welcome to KCMortgagePlanning.com
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Welcome to our website, before you dive deeper into the site, please take just a few minutes to watch our video that gives you a brief overview of how we do business differently than other mortgage providers.
Thank you for taking the time to wach our video. As you navigate our site please be aware that the information you will find on this site is unlike any other mortgage related website. As you read the different materials we have put together please do us one favor, keep an open mind.
Much of what you will learn here will be counter-intuitive and will go against everything you have been taught your entire life. We face a tremendous challenge in educating America about “The New Rules of Money.†A term we borrowed from New York Times Best Selling Author, Ric Edelman. As you read through our information you will see exactly what we mean.
Hopefully the title of our web site tells you that we look at your home and how you finance it in a much different light. Buying or refinancing your home is THE most important financial decision you will have made in your life so far.
With the enormous importance surrounding that decision we see our role differently than a traditional loan officer.
We are Certified Mortgage Planners so we focus on helping our clients successfully integrate the loan they choose into their overall long and short term financial and investment plans.
Our comprehensive Mortgage Plans are designed to make sure that your taxes are minimized, your monthly cash flow is maximized, while limiting the amount of mortgage interest expense you incur by helping you get your house paid off in the quickest and most efficient way.
Ultimately our goal is to help you successfully manage your home equity to increase liquidity, safety and rate of return. Does that make sense?
Experience shows us that an overwhelming majority of Americans still follow advice that was first established during the Great Depression. Please realize that almost all of our decisions surrounding how we buy and finance our homes was established over 75 years ago. Doesn’t that just sound wrong?
Think about all that has changed since 1929. We were heavily entrenched in the “Industrial Age†at that time and really since 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down and the Internet was born we have been in the “Information Age.â€
Did you know that since the Internet came along our knowledge base doubles about every 18 months compared to something like every 75 years before the Internet. Thus the name “Information Age.â€
Want to know the difference between the two eras? Consider these statistics:
In 1950 55% of Americans owned a home,
The average home price was $44,600,
Almost 70% of workers worked for big business and had a company provided retirement package (usually a pension and the promise of social security)
55% of the population was in the work force.
Compare that to today:
68.6% of Americans own a home,
The average home price is over $150,000,
Almost 70% of workers work for small business that have no company provided retirement package (no pension and the status of social security is in serious peril),
Only 58% of Americans are saving for retirement,
Those that have saved it’s just an average of just $25,000,
41% of families that are headed by a person age 45 to 54 have saved NOTHING for retirement,
65.9% of the population is in the workforce.
Do you see our nationwide dilemma? Most of us, as many as 95% of us are following outdated advice. Advice from 75 years ago, advice based on many things that do not exist anymore.
Once you have digested this life changing information you have to do ONE THING, you must take ACTION!
Contact us for a Personalized Professional Mortgage Plan you will be shocked at how much difference a Comprehensive Mortgage Plan can make in almost every aspect of your life.
Thank you again for coming to our site, please take advantage of our information and our long list of unique services.
Kurt Jackson,
Certified Mortgage Planner
Copyright © 2009 Allied Home Mortgage Capital Corp.
Portions Copyright © 2009 a la mode, inc.
