Mazuma Credit Union
Mazuma Credit Union
9300 Troost Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64131-3000
Local: 816-361-4194
Toll Free: 1-888-361-4194
A Short History Of Mazuma
* Board of Directors
* Board of Directors & Supervisory Committee's Profiles
* Supervisory Committee
* Supervisory Committee Address
* Mazuma Management
Statement of Commitment of Service to Members
As a Member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative, Mazuma Credit Union will uphold its fundamental responsibility to actively serve our field of membership and, as appropriate, the community in which they live. Click on the following Statement of Commitment of Service to Members to view complete document.
Kansas City National Federation of Federal Employees Credit Union (K.C.N.F.F.E.) received their state charter signed November 8, 1948. The Certificate of Approval was signed by J.J. Pinkerton, temporary Treasurer and Chairman of the Supervisory Committee. His wife, Wyla, was treasurer-manager of the Credit Union for 18 subsequent years. She literally operated the Credit Union from a shoebox, in which she kept all records and monies.
1948 - Clarence H. Plaskett was the first charter Member of the Credit Union with his $5.00 share deposit and had the honor of earning Membership Account Number 1. The first board of directors meeting followed on December 14, 1948.
1952- First full-time employee, Loreta McIntyre was hired as Bookkeeper/Cashier.
1966 - CU name was changed to Federal Employees Credit Union of KC and membership was extended to include Credit Union employees and their immediate family and the board was allowed to hire a general manager and assistants as needed.
1969 - Name changed to Federal Employees Credit Union.
1970 - The 25-cent membership fee was eliminated. We climbed to almost 15,000 Members.
1971 - On March 31, FECU passed $10,000,000 in assets.
1974 - FECU employed 33 people to work in 10 office locations.
1977 - Assets topped $24,000,000 and a new in-house computer was installed.
1980 - FECU offered checking accounts and Christmas Savings accounts for the first time.
1983 - Groundbreaking for new facility at 9300 Troost. New ATMs were offered at the Main office and 601 E. 12th.
1991 - FECU grows to over $93,000,000 in assets and 35,000 Members.
1995 - We open a new 9-lane drive-up. Outstanding loans reach an all-time high at over $93 million, we reached over 46,000 Members, and over $138 million in assets.
1996 - Building construction is complete at the new FECU Main Office located at 9300 Troost. Total assets reached $150 million.
1997 - We reached $167 million in assets.
1998 - FECU changes its name to Mazuma Credit Union. The Credit Union celebrates its 50th Anniversary.
1999 -
* Mazuma's Web site,, is launched.
* Mazuma's Internet financial services, Online Teller, with a Bill Payment option, is added to our Web site.
2000 -
* Exceeded $200 million in assets.
* Implementation of two limited-transaction lanes at Main office drive-up.
* Opening of USDA office to give Members even greater access to the Credit Union.
* Introduction of Visa Platinum with a low annual percentage rate and no annual fee.
* Addition of the Connection Center to our Main office lobby to help teach Members to use all Mazuma's automated convenience services.
* Enhancements to our Web site:
1. Addition of CarSmart (credit union auto program)
2. Online applications for Online Teller users
2001 -
* Mazuma joins SHAZAM'S Privileged Status ATM Network.
* Mazuma is the first financial institution in Kansas City to offer wireless financial services with Wireless Teller.
* Field of membership expands to include all of Jackson County.
* Mazuma welcomes new CEO, Rob Givens.
2002 -
* Mazuma adds another surcharge-free ATM network: Alliance One.
* Midtown branch opens
* A record year for Mazuma: exceeded $250 million in assets with an annual growth rate of 12.33%. Net income exceeded $3 million for the first time.
* BeeDeeCo Credit Union merged with Mazuma Credit Union.
2003 -
* Another record year for Mazuma: exceeded $286 million in assets with an annual growth rate of 10.22%. Net income exceeded $3.6 million.
* Continued to offer some of the best loan and deposit rates in the Kansas City area.
* Expanded Lee’s Summit branch.
* Relocated and expanded Federal Building branch.
* Added Connection Centers to Gladstone, Lee’s Summit and Midtown branches.
* Added online check imaging and e-statements to Online Teller.
* Updated the look and feel of the Web site and Online Teller.
* Began to offer lower-cost auto warrantees and GAP insurance.
* Installed an optical system to retrieve documents more quickly at a lower cost.
* Awarded first place in the state level 2003 Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Competition for credit unions over $250 million.
* Mazuma introduced Beyond Marketing, LLC as the first marketing CUSO (credit union service organization) in the country.
2004 –
* Mazuma exceeded $300 million in assets.
* Reached 53,000 Members.
* Created our own mortgage company, TruHome Solutions, LLC.
* Introduced Automatic Lending, making it easy for Members to apply for loans online.
* Awarded first place in the state level 2004 Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Recognition Competition for credit unions between $200–$500 million in assets.
2005 –
* Opened a new branch in Raymore.
* Developed the Mazuma CARES (Community Assistance, Relief and Event Support) and the Community Outreach committees to further Mazuma’s commitment to the community.
* Awarded first place in the state level 2005 Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Recognition Competition for credit unions between $200–$500 million in assets.
2006 –
* Opened a second branch in Lee’s Summit.
* Began offering business deposit and lending services to Members.
* Provided a bonus dividend of $1,102,291 to the Members at the end of the year.
* St. Stephen Credit Union merged with Mazuma Credit Union.
* Awarded first place in the state level 2006 Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Recognition Competition for credit unions between $200–$500 million in assets.
* Awarded first place in the state level 2006 Desjardins Youth Financial Education Competition for credit unions with more than $200 million in assets.
2007 –
* Opened a branch in the IRS building at Pershing and Main streets in Kansas City, Mo.
* Opened field of membership to include all of Clay County.
* Introduced a payday lending alternative to Members.
* Awarded first place in the state level 2007 Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Recognition Competition for credit unions between $200–$500 million in assets.
* Awarded first place in the state level 2007 Louise Herring Philosophy in Action Competition for credit unions with more than $250 million in assets.
* Awarded second place in the state level 2007 Desjardins Youth Financial Education Award for credit unions with more than $250 million in assets.
2008 –
* The Credit Union celebrated its 60th Anniversary.
* Awarded first place in the state level 2008 Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Recognition competition for credit unions between $200–$500 million in assets.
* Awarded second place in the state level 2008 Desjardins Youth Financial Education competition for credit unions with more than $250 million in assets.
* Awarded Honorable Mention in the state level 2008 Louise Herring Philosophy in Action competition for credit unions with more than $250 million in assets.
* FinanceWorks was added to Mazuma’s online services, providing free budgeting and financial management tools to Members.
Where will we go Tomorrow?
That's up to YOU! This is YOUR Credit Union!
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Mazuma Board of Directors
Read profiles of our board of directors and
supervisory committee members.
John Walls
Chairman of the Board
David Kudrin
Vice Chairman
Billy Wilson
Gerald R. Rosenblum
William D. Akright, Emeritus
Bob Durbin
Shaun Henderson
William Player
Albert Ruiz
Mazuma Management
Rob Givens
Debbie Baumann
Vice President - Operations
Lisa Renner
President/CEO-CU Holding Company and Beyond Marketing, LLC
Daniel Engelhard
Vice President - Lending
Denise Kelly
Vice President - Human Resources
Brandon Michaels
Vice President - Finance/CFO
Gordon Gregory
Vice President - Technology
Eric Jones
Vice President - Business Resources
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Supervisory Committee
Rich Hardy
Mark Price
Jose Diaz
Michael Weinrich
If you have any comments regarding the Credit Union or need help with an unresolved problem, please address your letter to the following:
Supervisory Committee
P.O. Box 120005
Kansas City, MO 64112
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Copyright © 2004 - Mazuma Credit Union - All rights reserved.
